Sunday, September 28, 2008


everything went wronggg. how could this have happened!? someone PLEASE turn back time. my freind is notttt supposed to be going out with that....thing. yea im being mean idc. they are SOOOOO not supposed to be together and thats just that. now they're gonna sit by me at lunch, and EWWWWW. help!!! im gonna like literally cry right now WHYY DID SHE DO THAT!??? ugh i am soo mad at her. he's just..EWWWWW. i seriously wish i could show you what he looks like cause i mean..ughh he used to be okay. then he got a crush on me. and just..ICKKKK. looks like ill have to play another game of avoiding this year...although idk how ill do it at lunch...ughhh.
i have to think about this one.
and i need to talk to my best friend. WHO needs to get her mom to get internet cause my phone aint wrokin right now!! grr lol
anyway...ugh im nottt gonna survive tomorrow..OH FUCK NOO homecoming! i DONT wanna go to homecoming with "it" eww!! omg i need BRAND new plans like NOW. which means coming up with a SERIOUS plan. ok. ill sry guys i cant go to dinner cause my...cousins from new york are coming here parents are barely letting me go to homecoming, so we had to make a deal that i have to stay home and just go straight to homecoming and straight back! yea great! and ill say i tried to figure something else out but nothin worked, i almsot got grounded and couldnt go at all so yea....omg thank god i came up with something!
anyway, new episode of ysf tonight =]
dont miss it xD
lyl xox

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