Monday, September 22, 2008

Time To Move On...[[Leave It On The LIne...]]

I love that song =] Its amazing! I love it, and it kinda go's with my situation right now =p
but anyway, just what the title says, time to move on...from...certain people...and...yea it'll be hard, but...there's this quote, "If you love someone, set them free, If they come back, they're yours. and if they don't they never were.." so...i'll set him free...and hope he'll come back. but if he doesn't than that just means theres someone better out there for me...right? pleaseee say im right i need all the help i can get right now cause he's my bestestestesttt friend...and i dont wanna let him go.'s time cause, we can always be friends no matter what but...yea anyway i cant write a lot now, atleast not until life gets a little less yea ill be on youtube with the comments box up HOPEFULLY this weekend, cause we're moving friday and saturday and sunday and maybe even monday, so yea idk when ill have internet and stuff, but if i dont, ill just go to my aunts house and get all that =]] okai oh...yea..nvm haha and EVERYONE BETTER GET DEMI LOVATO'S DON'T FORGET CD!!!! it's sooo amazing! you have noo idea!!!! xD

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