Thursday, September 11, 2008


I'M MOVINGGGG!!!!! omg u guys have nooooo idea how exited i am!!!! i've been in the house i am now since i was in like...1st grade...thats like even more than 9 years...and i've been through so much here, idc how much of it was good, a ton of it was bad and i seriously cannot wait until i get outta here and move away from all of it!!!! the closing thing is like...september26th than by the time we paint and do all that broing stuff, we should be moved in by the begining of october!!!!! yayyy!!!!! ugh i seriously cannot wait...but the sad thing is im gonna have to spend a while cleaingin out my room now cause there is just so much stuff packed in here, you have no ideaa!!!! ugh omg i am just so happy right now...and this guy...that i've loved and hated and still love and hate at the exact same time, if thats even finally getting over him, which is a HUGEEEEEE plus in my life =] and me and my best friend miranda are somehow trying to plan for me and her to go to a little trip to like L.A. or something this summer cause her and i just love singing sooo much, and if we can figure out a way to get around to driving to L.A. we could get somewhere...we have so much alike i SWEAR we were seperated at birth =p well i cant concentrate on anything right now and i really have a ton of homework so im gonna get that done and over with now and...yea so im not spending too much time online, and i wont be like i was last summer ever again! sry guys, im not that close with a lot of you now, but ya so thanks for reading if u do, and ill talk to yoou soon xD

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