Sunday, September 7, 2008

Some Info

Hey guys =]
So I've just made this blog, why!? lol
well cause i love writing and telling ppl about me and my day and there are just some days when i cant tell anyone anything, and i'd just rather spill it all out by writing, and idk why but i feel like telling strangers about my day haha jk =] anyway, some of you might not know me yet so i'll let you know a little abou tme =]
My name's Vanesa =] yes with 1 's' haha And i'm 15 years YOUNG =] Im in highschool and lemme tell ya haha I'm wayyy boy crazy! but then, what girl isnt!? hehe I'm finnaly starting to figure out who I really am and what I wanna do with my life and Who I can really trust and stuff like that. I'm starting to like my parents more [which is freaking me out a little haha jk] an living my life as a sophomore! haha I cant believe i finish Highschool in 2 years...its crazy how fast time passes. And I've finally just started doing whatever comes to my mind. im telling anyone i like that i like them, and anyone i hate i hint to them that i hate them lol I dont wanna finish my life here with regrets, cause then, what have you made out of yourself? what did you do your whole life if you end up with regrets, just did stuff other people wanted you to do? no thanks, i'd rather live my life the way i want to. and i dont need anyones permission =] I love to write, quotes poems, songs. Its my way of just letting it all out. anger, sadness, happiness, missing someone, anything. I dont judge people before I get to meet them. I'm nice to anyone and everyone who's nice to me. If you get on my nerves. get ready for a vanesa you've never seen before. I hate loseing friends, and just a little while ago i've been losing my best friend in the entire world. and it sucks big time. girls, lemme give you a little bit of can take it, or not do what you think is right, but from my perspective, if you really like a guy. dont tell him that you do, even if you're positive helikes you back. why? Cause you could scare him off. or he might not like you back, and he'd know that you like him, and no matter what he does he's gonna play with your heart and bend and twist it until he breaks it into little bits and peaces...
sry to get all depressing on you BUT! haha dont let that birng you down cause boys are for some weird reason, who knows why! haha but i'll write more later, maybe ill put up some things i've written or something and you'll get to know me a little better =]

1 comment:

Davis said...

I agree with u "..its crazy how fast time passes..."
im 15 years and Im finish High skool in 2 years because I do study for my future work in office..and i have many experience with love and all failed....I post u is original blog!!!!!!