Tuesday, September 30, 2008

PUCK!!! [[a midsummer night's dream]]

LAUGH MY FUCKING ASS OFF!! lol I got the ENTIREEEE day off of school, and went to...i think madison? wisconsin to see the shakespeare play A midsummernight's dream! HOLY...COW! lol puck was...."big" lmao if u girls know what im talking about haha everyone was onlyy talking about him! lol the play was soo amazing, and bees like stalked my friend miranda! lol and she's like allergic so that was just hillarious!!! i have to do a lot of homework and catch up with some pplz =]
write more later lol

Sunday, September 28, 2008


everything went wronggg. how could this have happened!? someone PLEASE turn back time. my freind is notttt supposed to be going out with that....thing. yea im being mean idc. they are SOOOOO not supposed to be together and thats just that. now they're gonna sit by me at lunch, and EWWWWW. help!!! im gonna like literally cry right now WHYY DID SHE DO THAT!??? ugh i am soo mad at her. he's just..EWWWWW. i seriously wish i could show you what he looks like cause i mean..ughh he used to be okay. then he got a crush on me. and just..ICKKKK. looks like ill have to play another game of avoiding this year...although idk how ill do it at lunch...ughhh.
i have to think about this one.
and i need to talk to my best friend. WHO needs to get her mom to get internet cause my phone aint wrokin right now!! grr lol
anyway...ugh im nottt gonna survive tomorrow..OH FUCK NOO homecoming! i DONT wanna go to homecoming with "it" eww!! omg i need BRAND new plans like NOW. which means coming up with a SERIOUS plan. ok. ill say...im sry guys i cant go to dinner cause my...cousins from new york are coming here and...my parents are barely letting me go to homecoming, so we had to make a deal that i have to stay home and just go straight to homecoming and straight back! yea great! and ill say i tried to figure something else out but nothin worked, i almsot got grounded and couldnt go at all so yea....omg thank god i came up with something!
anyway, new episode of ysf tonight =]
dont miss it xD
lyl xox

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sucky Day.

just what the title says. school...just sucked...kinda the first half of the day did, then the second half was...ok i guess. then i got home. and i realized "you're not moving today." UGHH. gay old owner. He was married, then he got divorced, and has to pay child support. well they couldnt find those stupid papers that prove he is paying it. and now when the realtor lady came, she's like...it could last a few days, or a few weeks, or a few months...or...it might not happen. so idk what's gonna happen now, am i gonna get to find out what its liek to be homeless!? ugh crap. and then grant...well...grant and his friends are...soooo confusing. and idk. he just...the way he looks at me makes me KNOW for definatly sure he likes me...but then...idk nixed emotions? mixed signals? something like that?! idkkk!!!!! ugh well yea. homecoming is coming up VERRYYYY soon! and i cant wait for that...i just want someone to ask me. someone in particular, but as far as i see it, he isnt going to the dance. cause he doesnt liek dances. BUT he went in middle school! not that big of a difference! except now u take pictures, and u have to dress up a little bit more, big whoop. oh today in history we had these guest speakers, soldiers from iraq. omg they showed some of these videos and they were soo sad but..liek idk i dont even know what im saying or...typing right now im so out of it. i have a lot of homework to do and stuff, so i guess i'll just get started on that huh?!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Time To Move On...[[Leave It On The LIne...]]

I love that song =] Its amazing! I love it, and it kinda go's with my situation right now =p
but anyway, just what the title says, time to move on...from...certain people...and...yea it'll be hard, but...there's this quote, "If you love someone, set them free, If they come back, they're yours. and if they don't they never were.." so...i'll set him free...and hope he'll come back. but if he doesn't than that just means theres someone better out there for me...right? pleaseee say im right i need all the help i can get right now cause he's my bestestestesttt friend...and i dont wanna let him go. but...it's time cause, we can always be friends no matter what but...yea anyway i cant write a lot now, atleast not until life gets a little less uncomplicated...so yea ill be on youtube with the comments box up HOPEFULLY this weekend, cause we're moving friday and saturday and sunday and maybe even monday, so yea idk when ill have internet and stuff, but if i dont, ill just go to my aunts house and get all that =]] okai oh...yea..nvm haha and EVERYONE BETTER GET DEMI LOVATO'S DON'T FORGET CD!!!! it's sooo amazing! you have noo idea!!!! xD

Saturday, September 20, 2008

5 more days =[ =]

5 more days until we moveeee!!!! and....500 more things to do =//
my you said forever series is going down lol im not so into making them anymore, but i have this amazing idea for the third season, which i want to be the final season if at all possible, so i dont even know anymore, im just so tired and busy and just ugh. idk i just wanted to tell anyone who feels like reading this that, the next episode of YSF is gonna be up hopefully tomorrow!!!! and i made sooo many new bg's i loveee them! and i'm starting to make some icons so if anyone wants any, they're in my photobucket!!xD ok well, im not in the blogging mood these days lol so yea just wanted tahh keep u updated!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


haha theres a bomb threat in my school =p lol nothings gonna happen, people are getting so freaked out for absolutly no reason. someone just wants a long weekend or something. my friend kayla is getting so annoying with that, im getting annoyed by so many people right now. everyones changing and just...ugh i dont even know anymore. im not gonna delete my accounts, they get a litle annoying sometimes but, ill handle it lol. okay well idk what to write anymore so tomorrows fridayyy!!!!! than itll be 7 days until i movee!!! cant wait xD allright so bye now =//

Sunday, September 14, 2008


so...im actually thinking about deleting all of my websites...like i already deleted my piczo one...and im thinking of deleting my youtube accounts too...or maybe just...giving them to someone? idk im still not sure yet...but i barely ever go on anymore and it is getting a little annoying to me...i know everyones gonna say "dont go, u wanna leave all ur friends who care about you" blah blah blah. same routine everyone says to anyone whos leaving. i mean, im a sophomore in highschool...and i still have like disney channel posters and stuff in my room. theres nothing wrong with that, its just that now i should be focusing on my future and stuff...and not be worried about if anyone made a new video on youtube or if...theres a new episode of wizards of waverly place on or something...like i said, im still not sure if i will do anything at all to it, but we'll see what happens and how i feel later on. like i said were moving to a new house verry soon, and i just want things to be different there and stuff...so yea...dont get mad at me or anything, all of you are gonna be thinking like this sooner or later...so yea...i guess that'll be it for now, i've decided to make the next episodes of you said forever and try to finish the second season before i move...well see how that go's so yea...i dont have a lot of time for anything now, so i'll see how i feel about everything soon kk =]]

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I'M MOVINGGGG!!!!! omg u guys have nooooo idea how exited i am!!!! i've been in the house i am now since i was in like...1st grade...thats like even more than 9 years...and i've been through so much here, idc how much of it was good, a ton of it was bad and i seriously cannot wait until i get outta here and move away from all of it!!!! the closing thing is like...september26th than by the time we paint and do all that broing stuff, we should be moved in by the begining of october!!!!! yayyy!!!!! ugh i seriously cannot wait...but the sad thing is im gonna have to spend a while cleaingin out my room now cause there is just so much stuff packed in here, you have no ideaa!!!! ugh omg i am just so happy right now...and this guy...that i've loved and hated and still love and hate at the exact same time, if thats even possible...im finally getting over him, which is a HUGEEEEEE plus in my life =] and me and my best friend miranda are somehow trying to plan for me and her to go to a little trip to like L.A. or something this summer cause her and i just love singing sooo much, and if we can figure out a way to get around to driving to L.A. we could get somewhere...we have so much alike i SWEAR we were seperated at birth =p well i cant concentrate on anything right now and i really have a ton of homework so im gonna get that done and over with now and...yea so im not spending too much time online, and i wont be like i was last summer ever again! sry guys, im not that close with a lot of you now, but ya so thanks for reading if u do, and ill talk to yoou soon xD

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday =/

allright, so school today haha everyone but freshman had open campus HA HA HA!!! lol me nd my friend walked to dairy queen. i forgot my stupid money, so i couldnt eat anything =[ and i was STARVINGG!!! then for lunch i went to my other friends house...and came back like an hour before school started. yuck haha dont ask why she had a lesson or somethin i dont even know. anywayy...if anyone could help me out here. theres this boy. [ugh i know! haha] and we've been best friends since 4 years ago. we know a ton about eachother blah blah blah..all that stuff and i love him. i cant get over him and its bugging me cause i HATE him soo much!!! lol i know im weird i mean i hatee everything about him! but...i just love everything about him...except for the fact that he acts like a complete jerk around his friends, but soooo sweet when its just me and him. like when we talk online, i can tell when hes just talking to me, and when hes talking to me and his friends, or when his brohters in the room or something cause he just like changes all of a sudden =/ ugh i hate him! but the second i talk to him im gonna love him. ugh ihatee my life =/ haha im soo tired these days and hungry all the time, its killing meee!!! haha i feel like im loseing some friends. yes...verrryyy depressing haha so i just wont talk about that cause thats just..blahh SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER!!!! SEASON FINALE EPISODE TONIGHT!!!! I CANT WAITTT!!!!!!!! ugh i hate guys. okay im gonna go before i get so pissed i wanna throw the computer at the wall haha, so ill just write more tomorrow, yea not a lot written today. hahha okai again, if anyone read this now haha wow thanks =] nice to know im cared about even a little!!!! xD

Monday, September 8, 2008


okay, so i definatly wont be posting daily on here, i gotta tell ya, this is just a ranodm thing i feel like doing cause im kinda....starting my life over. long explanation, dont ask. okay, guys. gay. sorry if your a tween or preteen or whatever thats called. i should not be using that kind of language, but its true. no prince charming in my life..well for now we'll see what happens in the future. yet, all my friends, they had like 5 boyfriends by now. and school started like 3 weeks ago...im starving all the time now! i think im getting fatter =// yuck haha anyway, my phone. stupid. need a new one. i need to get my mom to drive me to the contact place so i can get my stupid new contacts. sorry nothing wayyy interesting is happening in my life yet, trust me, a lot is im just not sure if u'd be interested in hearing it...probably my best [girl] friend beat up my best [guy] friend who im absolutly in love wiht =[ [sadly] because his perverted friends sent her some stupid txt messages on friday night so we got that taken care of. and now after like 4 years of flirting and hanging out and being best friends with the guy! lol were not talking anyomre, ofcourse that'd be better [moving on] and stuff haha. HOMECOMING!!!! is on october 18th, is that on a sunday or saturday cause my school calendars either messed up or my home calendar is haha idk. okay im eating pizza now and it sucks. yuckk haha hmm, nothing really, i had to write a poem for english, well, a sonnet for shakespere or h0wever you spell his name [any help here?] anyway, i could have posted it, but i already finished my homework and put it all in my bookbag and its verry far away haha so maybe i might post it sometime later, i fu ask me its actually pretty good! okay, well im gonna go eat now and make some background for youtube...and maybe put some on piczo. thanks for taking th time out to read this if anyone did!! haha

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Some Info

Hey guys =]
So I've just made this blog, why!? lol
well cause i love writing and telling ppl about me and my day and there are just some days when i cant tell anyone anything, and i'd just rather spill it all out by writing, and idk why but i feel like telling strangers about my day haha jk =] anyway, some of you might not know me yet so i'll let you know a little abou tme =]
My name's Vanesa =] yes with 1 's' haha And i'm 15 years YOUNG =] Im in highschool and lemme tell ya haha I'm wayyy boy crazy! but then, what girl isnt!? hehe I'm finnaly starting to figure out who I really am and what I wanna do with my life and Who I can really trust and stuff like that. I'm starting to like my parents more [which is freaking me out a little haha jk] an just...im living my life as a sophomore! haha I cant believe i finish Highschool in 2 years...its crazy how fast time passes. And I've finally just started doing whatever comes to my mind. im telling anyone i like that i like them, and anyone i hate i hint to them that i hate them lol I dont wanna finish my life here with regrets, cause then, what have you made out of yourself? what did you do your whole life if you end up with regrets, just did stuff other people wanted you to do? no thanks, i'd rather live my life the way i want to. and i dont need anyones permission =] I love to write, quotes poems, songs. Its my way of just letting it all out. anger, sadness, happiness, missing someone, anything. I dont judge people before I get to meet them. I'm nice to anyone and everyone who's nice to me. If you get on my nerves. get ready for a vanesa you've never seen before. I hate loseing friends, and just a little while ago i've been losing my best friend in the entire world. and it sucks big time. girls, lemme give you a little bit of advise...you can take it, or not do what you think is right, but from my perspective, if you really like a guy. dont tell him that you do, even if you're positive helikes you back. why? Cause you could scare him off. or he might not like you back, and he'd know that you like him, and no matter what he does he's gonna play with your heart and bend and twist it until he breaks it into little bits and peaces...
sry to get all depressing on you BUT! haha dont let that birng you down cause boys are just...here for some weird reason, who knows why! haha but i'll write more later, maybe ill put up some things i've written or something and you'll get to know me a little better =]